Accounting office 

Martyna Bury

Modern accounting

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  2. en

The Accounting Office is fully responsible for the performance of the services provided. For the sake of its customers, it has the following insurance policies:


  • Mandatory civil liability insurance for entrepreneurs operating in the field of bookkeeping services.


  • Voluntary civil liability insurance for damage caused by the performance of certain tax consultancy activities for entrepreneurs who handle entities with simplified PKPiR (revenue and expense ledger) or ryczałt (tax on registered income without deductible costs), not subject to the mandatory insurance.


  • Voluntary civil liability insurance for human resources and payroll services (ZUS – payroll, employment documentation, etc.).


Accounting office Martyna Bury

ul. Józefa Becka 16/3

51-672 Wrocław


ul. Karmelkowa 20a

52-437 Wrocław


63-524 Czajków 23

gmina Czajków, woj. wielkopolskie

phone: 601-096-444




Biuro Rachunkowe Martyna Bury

NIP: 894-141-92-38

Regon: 381020361

Accounting Certificate: 67366/2014